Sunday, July 3, 2011

A video loop of the Chair

A video loop of the Chair Tube. Duration : 2.25 Mins.

Boaz Mendel designer has created a multifunctional furniture piece, appropriately named the president Loop. The chair consists of seven tables of varying lengths, which are connected in a loop through hinges. The folding of the loop in various forms, the Chair Loop in various types of chairs and tables are turned. In less than a minute the president loop immediately go from a bar stool at a table, in total there are twelve different types of chairs can be arranged. TheBoaz Mendel designer has created the UN multi-functional piece of furniture, called Loop Exactly president. The Chair and six panels with different lengths Made Tues connected together as a circuit means of hinges. I bent panels vary in forms, it can turn into Loop President Various sedative and tables. In the Meno minutes of the UN, the President can change from one instant loop because stool bar a coffee table of the UN in total there are ways to diversify the chair CREATE 12. Mendelian designer BoazCreado hectares Spare A multifunctional mueble bien LLAMADA "Sulla Bucle". La Silla de está hecho de que estan You diferentes tablas en un Bucle de conectadas lengths Hinge. En formas diferentes Bucle to Doble and the "Silla Bucle" puede convertirse en diferentes Tipos de sillas y mesas. En menos de a minute, "Sulla Bucle" puede instantly change from a one Taburet A mesa de café, en total hay doce de diferentes Maneras acomodate La Silla. Chair designers make a slow loop IsraelBoaz ...

Tags: designer, Boaz Mendel, functionality, multiplicity, Loop Chair, 设计师功能性多样性回路椅子funzionalità, molteplicità, дизайнер, Боас Мендель, функциональность, многообразие, петлевой стул, diseñador, funcionalidad, multiplicadad, cadeira, versátil, flexibilidade, formas, diferentes, posições, possibilidades

toro lawn sprinkler

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